This article from Inc. really resonated with me. It's a great read that focuses on three fundamental characteristics of great leadership. 1)Develop a helpful mindset. The stick doesn't work as well in today's workplace. Employees want to be inspired by knowing their leader is there to help. 2) show your presence consistently. Managing from a corner office disconnected from your frontline employee is doing a disservice to you, your employee and your company. The best information comes from the front lines. Showing your presence consistently tells employees that you are real, you care and you are close to the details of your business.3) Don't be afraid to be authentic. This one is my favorite. I write a lot about this. Make no mistake about it...when you're not authentic your employees are onto you. Lead with genuine authentic care. As we've all heard before, employees don't quit jobs they quit their leader. Stay authentic, stay real.